Yahoo = Barmy uncle?

I read this story: Yahoo Wants Back in the Search Game. And, for some reason, the following quote sprung to mind… Sherlock Holmes (from TV show Elementary): “My hobby is conspiracy theorists. I adore them. As one would a barmy uncle. Or a pet that can’t stop walking into walls.” Steve

What is growth hacking?

I just watched a webinar on “Growth Hacking”. I was curious to see how it’s different to marketing. It isn’t. (Other than ghastly jargon, like you need to “optimize on-boarding”, and the exhortation to make your pages “awesome”.) Either someone has knowingly re-branded time-proven marketing methods so they can own Read more…

The 18.59% bullet

Danish copywriter and split-tester, Michael Aagaard, shared a number of his web page split-testing case studies. You can see them here: To me, the most interesting – in the sense of “bang for your buck” – was the first one. In this test, the only change was the text Read more…

Google – the big shift

Over the last week, I’ve been thinking about how Google has changed fundamentally. If you go back a few years, the focus seemed to be to create great products with little downside for the user. Famously, they had “20% time” – where developers could spend one day a week on Read more…